A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Identificacion de palabras que no se conocen su significado: Uso del diccionario.. agrega las abreviaciones ( al menos 5 palabras)
underlies: debajo de VI
sales: ventas
development: desarrollo
through: por
value: valor
2. Tiempo verbales (selecciona 1 ejemplo para cada tiempo verbal presente en el texto)
Presente Simple
3. Idea principal del texto
Es la definicion o el uso que se le da a marketing
4. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
Palabras de contenido: proces, company
Palabras de Función: the, by
Verbos: underlies, is
Adverbio: NA
Adjetivo: which,their
Artículo: the,an
Preposiciones: through, by
Conjunción: and
Cognados verdaderos: process,companies
cognados Falsos: underlies, sales
Sufijo: NA
Prefijos: NA
2. Estructura de la oracion: (3 ejemplos)
Frase nominal
Nucleo de la frase nominal
Frase verbal
Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in products or services.
Frase nominal: Marketing
Nucleo de la frase nominal :Marketing
Frase verbal is the process by which companies create customer interest in products or services
It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business development.
Frase nominal:It
Nucleo de la frase nominal: It
Frase verbal: generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business development.It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves.
Frase nominal:It
Nucleo de la frase nominal: It
Frase verbal: is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves.
3.- Estrategias de lectura:
Palabras claves: Production,physically,communicating
Palabras que se repiten:printing,and,production
Álvaro Uribe was born in Medellin, capital of the department of Antioquia on July 4th, 1952. He is married to Lina Uribe. They have two sons: Tomás and Jerónimo.
Alvaro Uribe holds a degree in law from the Universidad de Antioquia and a post-graduate degree in Management and Administration from Harvard University. From 1998 to 1999 after being awarded the Simon Bolivar fellowship by the British Council in Bogotá, he worked as an associate professor at Oxford University.
During his last two years of High School, with his excellent academic record, he was exempted from final examinations, and as an honor student he was granted scholarships for the greater part of his university career.
Álvaro Uribe went into public service at a very young age. In 1976 he became head of the Real Estate Office of the Public Works Department of Medellín.
From 1977 to 1978 he was Secretary General of the Labor Ministry and from 1980 to 1982, head of the Civil Aviation Department. He was the mayor of his native city of Medellín in 1982 and later, from 1984 to 1986, he was elected city councillor.
Álvaro Uribe was elected governor of the department of Antioquia for the 1995-1997 period, during which he developed a model of community participation in key government decisions such as the creation of new jobs, education, public procurement and security, which he called Community State.
During his term as governor, Álvaro Uribe reduced the number of government jobs by 34% and the number of official vehicles by 35%. Such savings in government spending meant schooling for 103,000 new students. As governor he also devised a program by which 40,000 people received training in the peaceful negotiation of conflict.
In addition, 200,000 of Antioquia's poor became eligible for free health care under the national subsidized health insurance System.
Álvaro Uribe was also responsible for the paving of 939 kilometres of roads. More than double the length, which the Department had paved in its entire history. And extensive repair work was done on the roads which link Antioquia with the nation's capital, Bogotá. The number of kidnapping cases in the department went down by 60% due to the cooperation of the community with the local authorities.
He was elected Senator for the periods 1986-1990 and 1990-1994, terms during which he received the Star Senator, Senator with the Best Programs and Best Senator awards.
This year he was elected President for the period of 2002-2004, with the conviction that Colombia needs to be governed with moral authority and a strong sense of leadership.
1- ¿Donde nacio y en que fecha?
Nacio en Colombia en el departamento de Antioquia en la ciudad de Medellin el 4 de julio de 1952
2- ¿Donde Estudio?
Los estudios primarios en Antioquia despues en la Universidad de Antioquia se graduo de Administrador luego estudio su Post grado en Harvard en Administracion
3- ¿Cual es su profecion?
4- ¿En la actulidad a que se dedica?
-Presidente de la Republica de Colombia
4. Reflexion Final del curso (nueva entrada)

En esta clase de ingles me he visto motivado al uso de nuevas tecnologias y he descubierto una nueva forma de aprender de manera facil el ingles, la metodologia de la materia me ha dado nuevas formas para lograr el objetivo principal que es el uso adecuado de esta lenguaje el cual es muy importante para nuestro perfil profecional felicito de todo corazon a la profesora Doris Molero y me sumo a esa tarea de motivar a los alunnos con nuevas tecnologias para aprender el Ingles. agradezco por enseñarme a montar y hacer un blogs por que no conocia el sistema y me parece muy novedoso y de muy buen uso. espero que Dios la continue bendiciendo.
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